how to coach baseball IQ

5 Ways to Help Players Increase Their Baseball IQ

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If you’re a baseball or softball coach, you probably already know that these sports are complicated and require lots of contact time to teach. And with the focus on metrics, velocity and analytics in today’s modern game, baseball IQ is being taught less and less, in favor of an increased focus on tangible, measurable skills.

This is a problem.

To be a great baseball or softball player, a mechanically sound swing or set of pitching mechanics will only carry a person so far. Tthe earlier situational intelligence is taught, the better – it takes many years to become comfortable with the nuances of the game.

What is Baseball IQ?

Baseball (or softball) IQ is the situational intelligence needed to make smart, fast decisions in a game. This can include knowing where a player should go, where the ball should be thrown, what pitch should be thrown (if a pitcher), and more. Being able to improvise and make good decisions in real-time is something that separates high-level baseball and softball players from everyone else.

Baseball and Softball Are Complex Sports

Baseball and softball are nuanced sports.

The beauty of the game extends well beyond just about the mechanics of hitting, pitching, or sprinting – it’s also about the strategy. I love how it offers endless learning opportunities. This is also good news for players who might not be the most physically dominant – they can become increasingly valuable to their teams with a baseball IQ boost.

“Soft” Skills Are Hard to Teach

What actions in baseball are most often referenced when we talk about baseball IQ?

  • Base running
  • Pitch-calling
  • Player movement: where to be, defensively, once the ball is put in play (as well as with anticipating things that could happen)
  • Situational hitting: when to attempt hitting the ball to certain parts of the field, in the air or on the ground
  • Fielder positioning: small movements in positioning before the pitch can make a big difference
  • Where to throw the ball: includes pick offs and more general throws and cutoffs

This is not an exhaustive list, but it represents the majority of skills that are more intangible in nature.

Coaching Strategies for Higher Baseball IQ

So, how can we coach players in way that increases their baseball IQ or softball IQ?

Always put your players’ health and development first!

Five Ways to Boost Your Players’ Baseball or Softball IQ

  1. Dugout Dynamics: I believe the head coach or the most knowledgeable coach should be in the dugout during games.
    • This allows for real-time teaching, discussing pitch sequences, and pointing out nuances like positioning and decision-making. It’s about guiding players through the game’s subtleties.
  2. Classroom Sessions and Videos: While I value these tools, I emphasize showing over telling.
    • Classroom sessions should supplement on-field learning. Creating simple, on-demand videos can be a great way to visually communicate complex concepts.
  3. Encouraging Smart Risks in Practice: For example, teach players to push their limits in going from first to third base.
    • Set up real game scenarios and encourage them to take calculated risks. This helps them understand their abilities and the game better.
  4. Game Watching and Engagement: Engaging with players during games is crucial.
    • Asking them about specific plays or decisions helps them view the game analytically. It’s a balance between having fun and staying focused on learning.
  5. Empowering Players: Let players make decisions, like calling their own pitches.
    • It builds their game understanding and confidence. My role as a coach is to provide the framework and then trust them to apply it – NOT do it for them.

For more on pitch-calling, and why I believe coaches should NOT call the game, check out the video below:

Remember, every moment in baseball and softball is a learning opportunity. Your goal as a coach should be to help players and make the most of teaching moments when they arise.

I hope these insights help you in your journey. If you have any questions or want to delve deeper into specific topics, feel free to drop a comment or check out my online courses and books.

Let’s keep learning and growing together!

Want more Baseball IQ resources? Follow my YouTube channel here.

And, check out this important video below on pitch-calling.







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