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Quality youth baseball drills and coaching education can be hard to come by, but in today’s article I’ve compiled ten great baseball instructional videos for coaches who just want to help their players get better. We’ll break it down by position, so scroll onward and use the table of contents in this guide to YouTube baseball videos.
Pitching Instruction Videos
What’s in a good pitching instruction video? Clear explanations of mechanics and drills, something I try really hard to get right. Don’t settle for complicated jargon – pitching doesn’t have to be complex and jargon is useless. When teaching your players, use simple terminology they’ll actually understand.
For more on pitching mechanics, check out my article on every aspect of the pitching delivery.
Pitching Video #1: Good Pitching Drills vs Bad Pitching Drills
There are a lot of BAD drills out there, and in this video I share some of the worst, along with some great ones you should implement with your son or with your team.
Pitching Video #2: Arm Action Mechanics
The arm action in pitching is very misunderstood, and most baseball instruction videos are filled with biomechanics babble that doesn’t make it any simpler. In this video, I break it down into clear action items you can use today:
Bonus Pitching Mechanics Video: Every Step Explained
For youth coaches, a deep understanding of pitching mechanics will make your job significantly easier. Drills are great, but they’re only a piece of the puzzle. The video below is a deep dive into a proper pitching delivery, with lots of nuanced tips to help you.
Defensive Videos
Defensive play is huge, and putting your players in the proper position to succeed is one of the most basic steps you really want to get right. Drills should stress fundamentals, glovework and great, fast footwork.
Baseball Defense Video #1: Proper Infield Positioning
Learn infield positioning basics and advanced positioning in the video below.
Outfield Defensive Positioning
This video below on outfield positioning is huge for coaches who are just starting out.
Baseball Defense Video #2: Wall Ball Infield Drills
One of the coach’s most underutilized tools is the tennis court or basketball court. Rather than spend an entire 2-hour practice hitting ground balls, your team can get three times as many quality reps bouncing tennis balls to themselves off a brick wall. Think outside the box using these infield drills, and get creative.
Hitting Instruction Videos
Hitting is hard, and there aren’t that many great hitting videos on the web. Below you’ll find two solid ones that teach great fundamentals you can use right away.
Hitting Video #1: Breakdown of Basic Hitting Technique
As far as baseball instructional videos go, this one by my former business partner and hitting coach, Lucas Cook, is really outstanding. It breaks down the basic hitting mechanics and the sequence of the swing.
Hitting Video #2: How to Stop Lunging at the Plate
Coach Cathcart does a great job teaching hitting on YouTube, so definitely check him out below. His brand of hitting instruction is easy to understand and clear, so you’ll get a lot out of it.
Catching Videos
Catching instruction videos are also somewhat sparse on Youtube, but this video below is quite good, with some drills you can use right away, and great tips about proper technique.
Catching Video #1: Fundamental Blocking Drills
Catching Video #2: All About Catching Stances
Lots and lots of youth catchers don’t get down into the proper catching stance. This is a great video that explains the ins and outs of the difference stances.
Baseball Mindset Videos
It’s no secret that mindset is huge in baseball, and the more coaches can help their players with it, the better off they’ll be. But, this still isn’t each to teach on the baseball field and lots of mental toughness is learned by doing, by watching and by failing. That said, the following videos can help arm a coach with some good material to share with the ballclub.
Be sure to watch my FREE baseball mindset webinar. Sign up here.
Baseball Mindset Video #1: Helping Players Understand Realistic Standards
One of the biggest things that holds young players back is unrealistic standards. In this baseball mindset video below, I explain what these look like and give ways coaches and parents can help their kids understand how to have a realistic outlook about the failure that is such a big part of baseball.
Baseball Mindset Video #2: How to Handle Pressure
Handling pressure in baseball is a part of the game, but how can players get better at it? Use these tips to help your players get better in those tight situations.
More Baseball Coaching Resources
If you’re new here, thanks for reading! If you need more help, definitely jump on my free email newsletter, as I send out each new video I create. You’ll also get my free pitchers’ development checklist.
Be sure to subscribe to my channel on YouTube, check out my books (below) and online courses if you need more coaching help.

And if you need a great online strength program for your son or your team, check out Early Work, my baseball-specific strength training program.

Thanks for reading! Coach Dan